
Thursday, 5 April 2012

How can sunshine be so cold?

Brrrrrr! It looks gorgeous outside - sunshine and blue sky just like last week when the temperatures were in the upper teens and even 20-21 degC - but it's bitterly cold. 

With that in mind, instead of posting sunny photos of BabyBorn in new spring outfits, and Barbie in the sundresses and shorts I've been making, I thought a more cosy pic might be in order.

Baby doll and all her handmade clothesThis little cutie on the left was a donation to a local charity shop which raises money for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. 

The doll was given to the shop naked, in 'as new' condition, and was handed to me to increase her value. Dolly and Ted – House of Fashion was very happy indeed to help raise more money for this very worthy cause.Naked dolls sell for very little in charity shops, but well-dressed ones fly out of the door as real paper money is exchanged for them. As well as the 'blue hearts' summer outfit, I made her the cosy pink reversible top and trousers she's wearing - with pure wool hat, cardie and bootees - and the red-and-tartan fleecy jacket and poly/wool trousers. You can just see her pillow and blanket under her feet. 

I think fleece and wool is what I need to wear if I venture outside today!

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